Students and teachers in Warminster
Volunteer with Welcoming the Stranger!
Welcoming the Stranger is a nonprofit that provides free English, citizenship, and computer classes to immigrants and refugees in Bucks and contiguous counties in PA and several counties in NJ. There are many ways to help us with our mission. We rely on volunteers to teach our classes, serve on committees, conduct outreach to the community, help with special events and assist with administrative tasks. Without our volunteers, we would be unable to fulfill our mission of helping immigrants and refugees pursue their dreams of becoming English speakers and future citizens.
A volunteer teacher with students in Morrisville
“I love interacting with the people who use WTS services. Their lives are so very interesting, and I feel privileged to have them share their stories with me and the other volunteers. Our class members are from every corner of the globe and bring with them diverse cultures, norms, education, work experiences, and different fluency with English.
Volunteering to teach ESL challenges me, as teaching English is not a straightforward skill. It requires listening and watching those who are trying to learn to discern whether they truly understand what you are trying to convey to them. I love seeing the “aha” moment when everything clicks for them and for me, as I learn how to better help the students. The students are so eager to learn and are so appreciative of the help they receive. Helping to build the students’ self-confidence in communicating in English is truly gratifying. I leave each class with a feel that can only be described as joy.
What seems to me as second nature in speaking my native language is really quite complex with many subtle nuances that are not easy to learn, and takes skill in knowing how to best explain to others who do not speak English fluently. As an ESL teacher, I will want to expand my teaching toolbox so that I have many tools to use. I have learned that when asked or on their own, the students are very supportive of each other and often jump in to help another student who speaks the same native language. I’ve learned that teaching ESL is a team effort where everyone – including the volunteers – learns and grows.”
~Becky, ESL teacher
ESL teachers with students in Doylestown
“When I retired 13 years ago, I was looking for something which was meaningful and helpful to others. I saw in our church bulletin that WTS was looking for volunteers, and felt it was important for immigrants who wanted to live in the U.S. to speak the language. It's the best thing I ever did. All the students are so appreciative. When I see them learning and becoming more confident, it makes me feel good; plus, I am learning about different cultures in the world. I find their life stories fascinating and I soon become attached to the students. Hopefully, I will make as a small difference in someone's life as they have in mine.”
~Nancy, ESL teacher
ESL teacher with her student
We offer both online and in-person classes in English, citizenship and computer skills. In general, our online classes are taught by one volunteer teacher, meet once a week and range in size from one to ten students. At each in-person class site, there is a lead teacher and multiple assistant teachers. These classes range in size from 10 to 20 students, and most classes meet just once a week. You do not need teaching experience or ESL certification to volunteer with us. The only requirement is that you come with an open heart, respect for the diversity of the human experience and a desire to share your knowledge and experience without judgment.
Online English classes are offered at designated beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. In-person classes are generally multi-level with sufficient staffing to allow for small group instruction at appropriate skill levels. In our citizenship preparation classes, students study and practice the questions required for the U.S. Naturalization Exam, as well as English language skills. Our computer classes teach basic computer skills, such as accessing email and the internet, and provide opportunities to gain experience with Microsoft Office Suite and other programs.
If you think you might want to be a volunteer teacher, please click on the green button above and complete and submit the Volunteer Interest Form. You will be contacted by a member of our staff to schedule a brief information-sharing phone interview that will determine whether your interests and our needs are in alignment. Please note that teaching positions are subject to need, but needs change between semesters and, at times, during the course of each 12 week semester. Please contact us at info@welcomingthestranger.org, if you have questions or would like additional information.
Can you help us post flyers or otherwise spread the word at your church, community group, book club or other gathering place? If you would like to help us increase public awareness of Welcoming the Stranger and its mission, please email us at info@welcomingthestranger.org and we will send you digital versions of our materials to circulate around town. You can also join our “Speaker’s Bureau” and help us publicize our work at places of worship, local libraries, and community events.
Can you help us plan and staff our special events? The very popular International Dinner is usually attended by as many as 300 students, teachers, and supporters. Our multi-national students provide homemade food from their own personal recipes for a potluck style meal and social event that includes entertainment, auctions and raffles. Other smaller events may be scheduled throughout the year. Every aspect of these special events requires the assistance of a large number of volunteers
Administrative Support
Are you able to dedicate some time to help in our Langhorne office? Sometimes, we need help making copies, entering data, stuffing envelopes and performing other administrative tasks. We also welcome those with special talents who can help with our social media presence, as well as with written and photographic publicity.
Our Marketing and Fundraising Committee generates initiatives that require volunteer assistance in helping to carry them out. Examples include the publication and promotion of a student-written cookbook, the solicitation of gift certificates, gift baskets, crafts and other donations for event raffles and auctions and advertising sponsors for our special event programs.
“Being able to work with Welcoming The Stranger was one of the most incredible things I was able to do during my college experience. I got to learn about working with non-profit organizations, while supporting a cause, like Immigration, that is so important to me! I was able to take charge of projects, help with event planning, and volunteer in the classroom. Interning with WTS gave me skills and experience that I will use for the rest of my life! ”

“(My teacher) Debby makes me very comfortable. She answered questions. She explained everything and she did not hurry. It helped me to understand American government, culture, and politics. I felt so much better. Debby gave me confidence.”
If you are interested in exploring volunteer opportunities with Welcoming the Stranger, please complete and submit the Volunteer Interest Form. Once the form is submitted, you will be contacted by a staff member to schedule a brief phone interview.
If you have questions, please contact us at info@welcomingthestranger.org.